The Parliament House is the elegant and historical home to Iceland’s Alþingi (the National Parliament). Althingi  is one of the oldest extant parliamentary institutions in the world.

Viking settlers founded Althingi at Þingvellir, the Parliament Plains, in 930 AD.   Originally, the Alþingi met every summer. Community leaders known as Goðar, led the meeting. The Goðar would discuss and pass legislation and dispense justice. Alþingi drew large crowds and was considered one of the main social events in Iceland each year.

Modern day Alþingi

Alþingi held its sessions at Þingvellir until 1799, when the sessions stopped. A royal decree restored Alþingi in 1844 and moved it to the capital city, Reykjavík. The role of Alþingi  has changed through the ages, although its main function is still to discuss and pass legislation. Today, there are 63 members of the parliament, voted by the public. They are no longer called “Goðar”, obviously, but are instead called Þingmenn, which translates as “People of the Parliament”.

Parliament House – design and architecture

The Alþingishús (Parliament House) was built in 1881, and it is one of the oldest stone buildings in Iceland.  It is a classical 19th century structure designed by the Danish architect, Ferdinand Meldahl. The house is made out of hewn Icelandic stone. The exterior walls are bare dressed stone, while the interior walls are plastered. In addition to this, you can see how weathered  the stone is and how the mortar now reaches further out than then rocks themselves.

There are two annexes in the building:  the Rotunda (built in 1908) and Skálinn (built in in 2002). Behind the Parliament House is a small garden, the oldest public garden in Iceland.

The façade (north side) of the building has various decorations, most noticeably the crown and crest of King Christian IX on the roof. Under the eaves, metal numbers mark the the date 1881 interspersed with stars. Above four of the second-floor windows are relief sculptures of  Iceland‘s guardian spirits: a giant, a great bird, a bull and a dragon.

The different roles of the Parliament House

Formerly, the Parliament House housed the Icelandic National Library and Antiquaries Collection and, later, the Icelandic National Gallery. The University of Iceland used the first floor of the house from 1911 to 1940. Additionally, the President of Iceland had his offices in the building until 1973.

Today, the Parliament House actually houses only the debating chamber, a few small meeting rooms, and the offices of some of the senior parliamentary staff. Committee meeting rooms, parliamentarians’ offices and most of Alþingi’s secretariat are located in other buildings around Austurvöllur square. Presently, there are plans to build a new facility west of the Parliament House to house these offices and meeting rooms.

Where is the Parliament House?

The parliament house is in the heart of Reykjavík in Austurvöllur square.

GPS: 64.146737 N, -21.940184 W