A hot spring area emerged on a hillside above Hveragerði after a major earthquake shook South Iceland in May 2008. Several highly active hot springs spewed coluorful mud and hot geothermal water into the air, creating quite a spectacle.

We definitely recommend that you visit the exhibition in the Sunnumörk Shopping Centre called Quake 2008. It illustrates how the earthquake started and its huge impact on the Hveragerdi area. The exhibit tells the experience of residents, and how the earthquake affected the buildings and environment. Television screens show the recordings from surveillance cameras.  Additionally, the exhibit shows photos that locals took, along with  information from The Earthquake Engineering Research Centre. Furthermore, you can experience a powerful earthquake (+6 Richter) in an earthquake simulator.  You can also see an earthquake crack on the floor of the exhibit building.  Entrance to the exhibition is free.

Hveragerði Geothermal Park

The town’s interesting Geothermal Park sits right inside the town of Hveragerði. (Interestingly, the town gets its name from the Icelandic word for “hot springs.”)  The hot springs of Hveragerði are among South Iceland’s most remarkable natural attractions. Visitors to the Geothermal Park can learn about geothermal energy and the hot springs, which include Eilífur, a geyser that erupts regularly, and Rúslahver spring, which has an interesting history. You can also try boiling an egg in the area and tasting unique steam-baked bread.  You can also visit a greenhouse that is powered by hot spring energy. The park is a nice area to enjoy nature and get a great introduction to Iceland’s geothermal story.

Other activities

The area around the town has hiking trails where you can enjoy interesting hot spring views. Additionally, local tour companies offer activities in the hot spring area such as guided hikes, mountain biking, SuperJeep treks, and horseback riding. Moreover, you can even have dinner in a restaurant that cooks using underground geothermal ovens!  The South Iceland Information Centere at Sunnumörk Shopping Centre provides useful information about area hiking trails,  exhibitions, art, and more.