Duus Hus is a complex of historical buildings that contain the Reykjanes Heritage Museum, the Reykjanes Art Gallery, and the Reykjanes Maritime Museum. The Centre is also home to a collection of 100 miniature model boats that retired local skipper Grímur Karlsson built.
Duus Museum is the Art and Cultural Centre of Reykjanesbær where you can experience diverse exhibitions and cultural activities all year round. Duus Museum is located near the marina in overlooking the Keflavík Bay. On the cliffs surrounding the Duus marina is an interesting foot path. If you walk on the path you might even catch a glimpse of whales swimming in the sea.
Duus Museum is the Art and Cultural Centre of Reykjanesbær. It houses exhibition halls for local museums, concert halls, and halls for mixed cultural activities. The exhibitions cover fine art, history and nature, so there is a lot you can see in the center. Duus is a favourite of locals and visitors alike, as it depicts the history of the Icelandic fishing industry. It houses model boats from classic wooden schooners used in the mid-19th century to the steam and diesel trawlers of modern times.
Duus Hus information centre
Café Duus offers refreshments. The centre also houses tourist information and a tour booking centre.