The Shark Museum at Bjarnarhöfn farm, close to Stykkishólmur, is where visitors can get a down-home taste of the “real” Iceland. The friendly curators and owners reveal fascinating details about the Greenland shark species from which traditional ‘hákarl’ is made.

The shark processing operation has been the livelihood of this family for generations and for decades they have been the one of the country’s leading producer of ‘hákarl’. Greenland shark is poisonous if eaten fresh, but fermentation neutralses the toxin and makes it safe for consumption.

This intriguing shark museum has exhibits on the history of this culinary curiosity, along with the family’s fishing boats and processing tools.  Furthermore, there is a display of an astounding array of shark fishing equipment. It is a display that can keep young ones fascinated for hours.

An interesting video explains the hunting and fermenting procedure.

The Shark Museum test

Guests can challenge their bravery with an interesting test by tasting the pungent fermented shark meat. They can wash it down with a shot of the famous Icelandic schnapps “Brennivín” and traditional dried fish ‘jerky’. Visitors can also taste some shark liver oil, which purportedly soothes all sorts of minor ailments.

Bjarnarhöfn farm

Above Bjarnarhöfn lies Bjarnarhafnarfjall mountain, where seagulls like to congregate. Nearby is the rugged Berserker lava field. The lava field is full of strange shapes, with beautiful colours and stark contrasts in the rock and mosses. The area is steeped in history, featuring prominently in the classic literary works Eyrbyggja Saga and Heiðarviga Saga.

At Bjarnarhöfn also is the site of a small and beautiful chapel, which has some great artifacts. We recommend making the short walk to the chapel to check it out.

Opening hours of the Shark Museum

Daily from 10 am – 17 (5 pm)

Where is the Shark Museum?

Located on the northern side of Snaefellsnes peninsula, about 20 minutes drive from Stykkisholmur.

Check out our complete guide to Snaefellsnes peninsula.